The Lady Sheltersザ・レディ・シェルターズ
【 2019年3月 結成 】
Activity starts in March 2019. The four members gathered in TOKYO to connect the beloved ROCK'N'ROLL to the future. They will start their activities from Japan to the world to deliver the best groove.
【 YouTubeチャンネル 】
The Rolling StonesやThe Who、Facesなど、洋楽カバー演奏動画を定期的に配信する彼らのYouTubeチャンネル登録者数は10,000人を超え、日本国内をはじめ、世界中に熱心なファンを増やしている。
2021年2月には、英国を拠点とする"ロッド・スチュワート・ファンクラブ"の「SMILER」からコンタクトがあり、注目ニュースとして「You Can Make Me Dance, Sing Or Anything(Faces) 」のカバー動画が取り上げられた。
They regularly distribute videos of cover performances of Western music such as The Rolling Stones, The Who, Faces, etc. Their YouTube channel has over 10,000 registered users, and they have a growing number of devoted fans in Japan and around the world.
In February 2021, they were contacted by "SMILER," a UK-based "Rod Stewart fan club," and their cover video of "You Can Make Me Dance, Sing Or Anything (Faces)" was featured as the featured news.
イベントの企画にも積極的に取り組み、2022年9月には、恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて、自主企画イベント「ROCK'N'ROLL SHELTER」を開催。
ダイアモンド☆ユカイと木暮"shake"武彦が率いるレジェンドバンド「Diamond Shake」や、若手ミュージシャン達を召集し、"愛すべきロックロールを未来に繋げる"ことを体現したイベントは大成功を収める。
They are also actively involved in planning events, and in September 2022, he will hold his own event, "ROCK'N'ROLL SHELTER," at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM.
The event was a great success, bringing together the legendary band "Diamond Shake" led by Diamond Yukai and Takehiko "shake" Kogure, as well as young musicians, and embodying the concept of "connecting beloved rock'n'roll to the future.
また、4thアルバム《WHITE HORSES》の発売と同時に発足された自主レーベルの"TLS Records" が、バンドとファンの繋がりをより強固なものにした。
The band has released four original albums to date, and the "vintage and unknown psychedelic" sound of the four members has captured the hearts of rock fans of yesteryear and is highly acclaimed.
The band's own label, "TLS Records," was established at the same time as the release of their 4th album, "WHITE HORSES," and has further strengthened the connection between the band and their fans.
The nationwide tours held in conjunction with the release of their new album have always been very well received, and the admission restrictions on additional shows due to sold-out shows are still fresh in the memory.